Collaboration Tools


A learning management system which can manage course enrollment, store course materials online, allow instructors to create assignments, quizzes, surveys, and group activities and award merit for course completion.  In addition to all of these features the best known feature of CBSI-Connect are its embedded collaboration tools which allow users to connect remotely and communicate with voice and video.
There are three different virtual collaboration tools available in CBSI-Connect:
1)      Zoom™ Meetings
2)      Zoom™ Webinars
3)      BigBlueButton™ Rooms

Zoom™ Meetings

Zoom™ meetings like the other collaboration tools, can easily be created by Instructors or Meeting Leaders known as CBSI-Connect Content Contributors.  A Zoom™ meeting allows participants to communicate with voice and video and allows the user with host privileges to share their screen in real time.  Zoom meetings are recommended for gatherings of up to 25 users.

zoom meetings

Figure 1: Zoom meeting over CBSI-Connect

Zoom™ meetings can be recorded but will only be retained for the host for approximately one week.

Zoom™ Webinars

A Zoom™ webinar can be created by a CBSI-Connect Site administrator and is best suited to large training events and can host 100 external connections per session.  A Zoom webinar has all of the features of a Zoom™ meeting but differs in that there are a limited number of hosts and panelists who can share content and communicate over voice and video, the rest of the attendees may communicate through chat and other non-verbal tools.

Zoom Webinar

Figure 2: Instructor Keith Darrien conducts a Zoom Webinar on Money Laundering at REDTRAC

Zoom™ Webinars can be recorded but will only be retained for the host for approximately one week.

BigBlueButton™ Rooms

BigBlueButton™ rooms can be used for either meetings or trainings and can typically host up to 25 concurrent connections with voice and video and up to 100 connected users if non-presenters are restricted from using microphones and cameras.  BigBlueButton features multi-user drawing tools, breakout rooms, emojis and allows instructors to remotely control connected user’s views.

Big Blue Button

Figure 3: BigBlueButton Screen Capture

BigBlueButton™ meetings and training events have 12 hours per daily session recording and can remain stored on CBSI-Connect indefinitely.
Both BigBlueButton™ and Zoom™ allow users to collaborate and train over CBSI-Connect however, Zoom has better performance in lower bandwidth environments and allows instructors and meeting leaders to share Presentations and even Video through screen sharing without the need for content conversion.

if you need more information Login to your account or Contact us:


The CBSI-Connect project is wholly funded by the American people under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), a partnership between the United States and Caribbean nations working together to reduce illicit trafficking, increase public safety, and promote social justice.